Community News | Fall 2022

NOVA has always been more than just a place to see a doctor and get medical care. We have always also been a community center where children, teens and adults gather for certain social and educational events which we host.  We are once again welcoming community members to NOVA’s campus.

Recently we hosted a soccer tournament for young people in the area which lasted a few weeks. Pierrot organized a weekend soccer tournament with teams from the area, followed by a celebration with all participants. This kind of community engagement beyond medical care is a hallmark of NOVA’s success in being part of improving the life and health of people in Cavaillon.  The people of Haiti are suffering a lot under crushing inflation, heightened political instability and increased insecurity. It’s nice to see people in our community come together to enjoy a simple sporting event and a moment of normal life.

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Donate to Haiti

Please help us keep NOVA Hope for Haiti’s mission in Haiti alive. Donate to Haiti to help us to continue to provide medical missions to the people of Haiti. Thank you.